Sunday, May 4, 2008


I sat and put together two supers of Bee-O-Pacs today. It was very easy. The only problem I had was some of the little holes still had their 'dot' in there and I had to pry them out before I could make the rivit out of the button side. They came in the mail from Betterbee, with good instructions and it took about 15 minutes to do eight frames.

The weather has been awful this week and I miss seeing the bees fly. Today is the first good day we have had, the bees are out and I will check their sugar suryp this afternoon. Last year I planted a mock orange just outside of the bee yard and this year it is full of buds. I'm not sure what all my bees find when there is not much in bloom but they say that it is maple trees, fruit trees and ornamentals. Later it will be blackberries and we have miles of them so all spring I feed the bees in case they cant go out because of the cold wet of the Pacific Northwest spring.

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